Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dirty O'Donnell

I am reeling in another fish.
Making a donation the night of the EPA lobbypalooza was Tipperary Corporation CEO David Bradshaw. Tipperary is an oil and gas exploration company. Any guess what I am going to find there?

The Denver Post did a great job on following up on the Xcel scandal that I first broke here.

"This just reeks of buying access to federal regulators," said Danielle Radovich Piper, spokeswoman for one of O'Donnell's Democratic opponents, Ed Perlmutter. "You are talking about letting people at a fundraiser have access to a federal regulator when their very business ... is about being regulated by this person."

O'Donnell spokeswoman K.C. Jones said Palmer "did not open his mouth during the event."

The campaign had refused to give details
about the meeting. But last month, in response to a public records request, the EPA released the names of 10 people who attended the fundraiser. Palmer's name was not on the list.
Jones said Palmer's name was not on the list because "he just popped in" and did not R.S.V.P. She said Monday that 14 people attended the event. She said she had been withholding donors' names to protect their privacy.

The Post reported "O'Donnell's campaign said it did nothing wrong. The invitation for the event used Johnson's name but not his title - making it above board according to the federal Hatch Act, the campaign says."

But wait a minute now...

Rocky Mountain News

The subject line of Benevento's e-mail and the attached invitation included Johnson's title.

"Subject: Fundraiser with Administrator of EPA Stephen L. Johnson for Rick O'Donnell this Thursday," the e-mail read.

"Fundraiser with Administrator of EPA," read the invitation's title.


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